Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Message from the Universe

Know that you are peace, and peace is you.  By simply turning within, and allowing your thoughts to settle within the spaciousness of your mind, you will see me; I am here, in you, and as you, to comfort, to hold, to nurture, and to love. 


Know that you are love, and love is you.  Your deepest nature is beyond conception.  Your beauty is greater than all of the celestial objects of all universes combined.  You are the force that moves the universe, and the stillness of its breath.  Your simple presence brings life -- is life itself.  Know that you are love, and love is you - inseparable, eternal, universal.


Know that you are generosity, and generosity is you.  With generosity, you have the capacity to welcome whatever you meet, or whatever meets you.  You have the capacity to give the gift of patience, kindness and generosity to yourself, to others, and to whatever circumstances may arise.  

Welcoming all things equally with understanding, love and compassion there is no need to run away, or wish for anything to be other than it is.  Your welcoming will bring peace, inclusiveness, and the kind of harmony that will reveal the underlying truth of your nature as nothing other than wholeness and well-being, with great capacities for allowing your natural compassion and love to transform yourself, and the world. 

Welcoming and happiness are very much the same.  They are both children of non-violence; and have the capacity to open doors even when those doors may at first appear frightening, or locked.


Know that to empty the self is to bring you closer to what is true.  There is much that you have gathered along the way, and there is much that can be let go.   When you see me, you will see yourself as you naturally are with all of your precious and unique individualism; and then you must let go again.

I am findable, yet in the finding I am immediately lost.  I am, as you are -- inconceivable, ungraspable, and inexpressible.  Letting go is how you find me, over and over again. This is the ultimate form of generosity; it is the ultimate bridge between self and other;  between the ultimate and the mundane.

You will never find me in books or thoughts; but in the simple living of daily life, we may meet again, again and again.


I am you, and we are now.
