Sunday, March 25, 2012

Personal Discourses: Penetration III

Penetration III
Pure being (as pure emptiness) and the appearances of conventional mind (as existing on an absolutely solid foundation) are simultaneously present as one in the same, while appearing to be separate and opposite.
They are simply the extreme ends of the mind's focal point of awareness.  
One from the perspective of separate identity captivated by myriad false appearances, and the other from the perspective of ultimate unity with the pure essence of inherent being.
They exist in dependence of each other, experienced in mind as the balancing point of awareness between the two extremes. 
Closer to the extreme of apparent absolute existence, the sense of a separate self appears more solid with experience becoming more and more rigid and definitive.
Closer to the extreme of pure emptiness, the sense of a separate self softens with experience becoming more and more open, expansive, and ineffable.
Without pure emptiness, a world of endless myriad appearances cannot appear.
Without the suffering of samsara, there is no bliss in nirvana.