Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Poem: "Feet Are Walking..."

Have you ever smiled with the laughing leaves dancing in the wind?

Or walked on sidewalks glistening with diamonds shining brightly as they savor joy within the early morning sun's first kiss?

Have you ever seen the wise, old eyes of the ancient oak trees' gaze, begging you to join them in the day's parade?

Walk with me.  Let's walk together.  Only walk.

Have you ever heard the giggles of the baby flowers shuddering with glee?

Or felt the presence of a billion stars beneath your feet as the sea's great mystics crash themselves upon the land to rise again and then again?

Have you ever watched an aphid skip across a leaf?

Walk with me. Let's walk together. Just walk.

If one morning, you care to rise without waking your lovely little fears from their deep slumber.
Sneak out of bed, oh so quietly, and walk with me.
Just walk.

If one morning, you care to rise without waking your precious little despairs from sleeping.
Sneak out of bed and, oh so quietly, let's walk.
Just walk.

If one morning, you care to rise without waking your tender little angers from their sweet rest.
Sneak out of bed and, oh so quietly, let's walk.
Just walk.

Be early.  Be fresh.

Bring your magic eye glasses.
Bring your quadraphonic ears.
Bring your feet of seven thousand taste buds.

Sneak out, before you wake them all.

Tippy toe with care.  Be gentle.  Be there. 

And simply walk.  Just walk.

Don't even breathe.  Just listen.  Just look.

You are here.

Feet, kissing Mother.  
Mother, breathing freshness.

When feet just walk, the entire cosmos is your bathtub.

Bathe luxuriously.  

You don't even have to breathe.

Breath is breathing.  Heart is beating.

Feet are walking.

Mother is holding you gently in her arms.

Whispering softly, tiny bubbles of a million heavy years releasing.
Warm honey gently flowing, melting stone to sand.
Feathers floating on the lazy stream.

What is here has been here all along.

Only walking.  Only breathing.

A symphony of life blooming in all directions,
welcoming your arrival home.

Nowhere more to go.  Nothing else to do.
Even stopping isn't even necessary.

Just walk, and listen.

The conductor is taking a break, but the symphony plays on.

Laugh.  Dance.  Sing.  Jump towards the sky.  
Let your smiling children out to play.

Sink into the mud.

Walk in the rain without a jacket.
